Welcome to the HIRO!

Our goal is to assist University of Chicago investigators and research staff with medical imaging exams performed on human subjects for research purposes. This includes the acquisition, analysis, collection, de-identification and distribution of image data for both basic science research and clinical trials. Our services ensure research-related imaging fulfills protocol requirements and allow investigators to obtain HIPAA- and IRB-compliant clinical research data.

We provide our services for almost all types of medical imaging, including: X-ray (radiographs, fluoroscopy, angiography, cardiac cath), DXA, CT, MRI, ultrasound (general, echocardiography, vascular, ob/gyn), nuclear medicine (planar, SPECT, MIBG), PET, ophthalmology imaging, endoscopy and bronchoscopy, and many types of specialty imaging. Our website is meant to serve as a complete portal for biomedical researchers to learn about the University's research policies and to provide access to the various resources that researchers can use to obtain compliant clinical data.

Current HIRO Workload: Heavy (39 items in queue)

HIRO participates in clinical research data panel discussion!

Members of the HIRO's team recently participated in a panel discussion hosted by Osage University Partners and the UChicago Tech Office regarding the use of clinical data for research purposes by third parties. The webinar, titled "What is the Data?", is part of a series on the licensing of patient data for research purposes. The HIRO was thrilled to participate in this lively discussion. If you missed the live broadcast, a recording of the webinar is currently available on YouTube!

HIRO to Provide Images for CRDW COVID-19 Data Mart

The HIRO is collaborating with the Center for Research Informatics's (CRI's) Clinical Research Data Warehouse (CRDW) Team to provide medical imaging data for their COVID-19 Limited Data Mart. The HIRO is proud to contribute to the research community's efforts in investigating and combating this pandemic. Access to these images requires IRB approval for use of the CRDW limited data mart. For more details, please see the CRI's COVID-19 Resources page.

HIRO publishes new journal article!

The HIRO has published a new journal article! The article highlights challenges to the management of clinical trial imaging, and includes several recommendations to tackle these issues industry-wide. The article, titled "Critical Challenges to the Management of Clinical Trial Imaging: Recommendations for the Conduct of Imaging at Investigational Sites," appears in the February 2020 issue of Academic Radiology and is available electronically now!